In this narrative driven short film, the message within concentrates on matters of acceptance and the challenges presented when regarding the diversity of love.
A majority of the talent on set required simple perfecting applications such as basic color correction and the disguising of mild imperfections. Typical grooming techniques were applied to check the occasional unruly hair back into place.
However in one scene, our lead finds himself in the midst of an altercation and ends up receiving a healthy dose of punishment from the two hulking boys playing opposite. His makeup application required special attention in order to convey the aftermath of the squabble and a few key techniques were employed in order to make the effect read on camera. Facial features and placement had to be considered, and a few medical references were utilized in order to make a convincing bruise on the subject.
Key Skills and Techniques
Color Matching, Correction, and Blemish Camouflage
Facial Feature Definition with Lighting Consideration
Basic Grooming and Hair Maintenance
Mattifying and Skin Maintenance
Special Effect Treatment: Bruising, Sweat